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The Scriptural Rosary
Glorious Mysteries

The following passages of Scriptural Rosary are taken from Your Scriptural Rosary, Charles L. Painter; 1978.

Glorious Mysteries - Scriptural Rosary

The First Glorious Mystery - The Resurrection

Each passage should be contemplated on each of the 10 Hail Mary rosary beads.

  1. After watching the death of Jesus, and all that happened, the Roman centruion said:  "Truly this man was the Son of God!""  Many of the people beat their breasts. (Luke 23:47-48)
  2. The Jews requested the bodies be removed by sundown when the Sabbath began.  Jesus was dead.  Yet a soldier pierced His side with a lance.  Blood and water flowed out.  (John 19:31-34)
  3. Two men, disciples in secret, laid Him in a nearby garden, in a new tomb.  Two women, watching on at a distance, planned to anoint Him after the Sabbath. Luke 23:53-55)
  4. On the Sabbath day the Jews worried how His followers might steal the body and claim that He was raised from the dead.  They had the tomb sealed and guarded.  (Matthew 27:66)
  5. At sunrise on Sunday, the women came to the garden and in astonishment found no guards were there, the tomb was open, and within it sat a dazzzling angel! (Luke 24:2-4)
  6. The angel said:  "Do not fear.  I know that you look for Jesus.  See, He is not here; He is Risen!  Go quickly and tell His disciples, they will see Him in Galilee." (Matthew 28:5-7)
  7. One woman ran and told the apostles:  "They have taken Him!"  Peter and John ran to the tomb.  Inside they found burial cloths.  Amazed, they returned and hid. (Luke 24:9-10)
  8. The woman now stayed by the tomb, weeping.  Someone spoke.  Thinking it was a gardner, she said:  "Sir, did you remove His body?  Tell me, where.  I will take Him away!" (John 20:13-15)
  9. It was Jesus.  He said:  "Mary!"  And she  clung to Him.  He told her:  "Go now and tell My brothers this, I shall ascend to My Father, your Father - My God, your God!" (John 20:16-17)
  10. Late that evening Jesus stood amidst His hidden apostles and said:  "Peace to you."  They became filled with joy as the Lord Himself proved to them that He was risen! (John 20:19)

The Second Glorious Mystery - The Ascension

Each passage should be contemplated on each of the 10 Hail Mary rosary beads.

  1. While the Lord appeared to them, Thomas was away.  A week later Jesus returned and showed His wounds to doubting Thomas, who then exclaimed:  "My Lord and My God!" (John 20:28)
  2. Jesus replied to him:  "You, Thomas, now believe because you have seen Me.  But how truly happy they are who believe whithout seeing Me."  (John 20:29)
  3. The disciples proceeded to go to Galilee.  And there seven of the apostles went out fishing on Lake Tiberias.  They fished all night and did not catch anything.  (John 21:1-3)
  4. At dawn a man on shore called out to them and inquired about their luck.  He told them where to case their net, and it was soon weighted down with fish.  (John5-6)
  5. "It is the Lord!"  John said.  Peter swam to shore.  The man was cooking at a fire.  By the time He said:  "Come and eat!" - each of the seven knew it was the Lord.  (John 21:7-11)
  6. He fed them bread and fish.  Later on Jesus asked Peter:  "Do you love Me?"  Then He told Peter:  "Tend My Lambs."  "Tend My Sheep." - "Feed My Sheep."  (John 21:15-17)
  7. He arranged to meet all of this apostles on a mountain in Galilee.  There He appeared in majesty and said:  "Full authority in heaven and on earth has been given Me."  (Matthew 28:16-17)
  8. "Go and make all nations My disciples; baptize men, and teach them to obey what I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of time."  (Matthew 28:19-20)
  9. In Jerusalem again, the Lord told them to wait for the sending of the Holy Spirit.  Then, beginning there, they would witness for Him to the ends of the earth.  (Luke 24:48-49)
  10. Jesus, forty days after the Resurrection, led His brothers out toward Bethany.  Gathered on the Mount of Olives, the Lord blessed them as He ascended to heaven.  (Luke 24:50-51)

The Third Glorious Mystery - The Descent of the Holy Spirit

Each passage should be contemplated on each of the 10 Hail Mary rosary beads.

  1. With great joy the apostles returned to their lodging place in Jerusalem.  They prayed constantly, and with them the Mother of Jesus, and the others.
  2. About one hundred and twenty believers were assembled, when Peter announced that someone must be chosen for the apostle to replace Judas, the traitor.
  3. Two veteran disciples were named.  The assembly prayed to the Lord, and then they drew lots.  The lot fell to Matthias, he became one of the Twelve apostles.
  4. On Pentecost Day all were assembled and seated.  Suddenly, there came a sound like that of a strong driving wind - it filled the whole lodging place.
  5. Flame-like tongues appeared, spread out and came to rest upon each one there.  Filled with the Holy Spirit, they began to speak by the Spirit in many languages.
  6. News of the prodigy drew a large crowd.  And people were bewildered, for Jews come from foreign lands heard in their own dialects what these Galileans were saying.
  7. People from many nations, even folk not of Jewish origin, also heard in their own native tongues the same joyful praise of wonderful things which God had done.
  8. Yet, some joked:  "Those men are drunk!"  Standing there with the apostles, Peter spoke out:  "No, they are not drunk.  After all, it is but nine in the morning!"
  9. Peter spoke at length and declared:  "Let all Israel now accept as certain that God has made Him the Lord and Christ - the Jesus whom you crucified."
  10. Stung in conscience, many people asked what they should do.  Peter said to them:  "Repent and be baptized; save yourselves!"  Three thousand were baptized on that Day.

The Fourth Glorious Mystery - The Assumption of Mary

Each passage should be contemplated on each of the 10 Hail Mary rosary beads.

  1. After His Ascension, the Mother of Jesus devoted her maternal care to John, the son she was given at the Crucifixion, and to the members of the infant Church.
  2. Her life, day be day, was full of duties.  She saw and served Jesus in the apostles, especially the evangelists; and also in the very least of His members as well.
  3. She went forth into foreign lands eventually, almost as the apostles did.  In the apostle John's keeping, she went overseas and resided at pagan Ephesus.
  4. And when her earthly life was completed, Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God and Ever Virgin, in both soul and body was taken up into heavenly glory.
  5. The Lord Jesus Christ granted this.  He who was perfect in keeping God's Law would ever honor His beloved Mother and her assumption lay within His power.
  6. And she had fully shared with Him in His struggle on earch.  Her glorification, like His Resurrection, was essential to the complete victory over sin and death.
  7. Always saved from sin, Mary, was also preserved from the tomb's corruption; and death overcome, like the Lord Jesus she too was taken up to heaven.
  8. Holy Mother of God and Ever Virgin, so alike to her divine Son in nobility of soul and body, Mary must be where He is in glory.
  9. The Mother of Jesus does now possess a complete happiness in heaven - there in person, soul and body, she is united with her divine Son.
  10. Seated in glory at the right hand of God, the Lord Jesus Christ has placed Mary, His beloved Mother, at His own right hand.  The angels and saints rejoice with Them!

The Fifth Glorious Mystery - The Coronation of Mary

Each passage should be contemplated on each of the 10 Hail Mary rosary beads.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ has crowned Mary as His Queen.  And her kingdom is as vast as that of her Son and God, for nothering of His is excluded.
  2. The Woman promised by God at Eden, Mary is exalted as Queen by her Son in order that she be more conformed to Him, the Lord and Conqueror over sin and death.
  3. God and Man, the Lord Jesus Christ is King in the abosolute sense.  Mary is dependent on His sovereignty, and she shares in His dignity in a secondary way.H
  4. He is King by nature and right:  God's Son who redeemed man at a great price.  She is Queen:  The Mother of the God-Man, who shared with Him in paying that price.
  5. By decree of her Immaculate Conception, the Lord preservatively redeemed Mary.  In the same Sacrifice, she shared with Him for the liberative redemption of mankind.
  6. Always intimately united with her Son, Mary as the New Eve offered Him, the New Adam, on the Tree of the Cross, together with her own maternal holocaust.
  7. So intimately united with the Lord Jesus in the Redemptive mystery, she is as closely united with Him in the distribution of graces flowing from it.
  8. In her power, a Queen, in her love, a Mother, Mary in the realm of grace cares for the members of her Son engaged in life on earth, until they too enter heaven.
  9. Her life on earth provided the Model of maternal care which must fill all who take part with he Church in its Mission of regenerating the souls of men.
  10. Let the entire body of the faithful pour forth perservering prayer to God's Mother - the Mother of the Church and of all men.  We are all yours, our Queen, our Mother!


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